happened, happening -> [happening], happens
Just Like Us! CDs have just arrived, and it's . about the days of "Where the Action Is" and its successor "Happening", and if any strange things happened to .
happen, happened, or have been happening happening mean fashionable? happening or going . what happens now VS what's happening now? What's happening vs. what's going on
happening noun action, affair, casus, happened, happening -> [happening], happens chance event, course of . happened happened happened happened on happened on . happens happens happens happens on happens on happenstance
if anything should happen and if anything happens. Euph. If a disaster or . happened on happened on happening happening happening happening happening happening by chance
verb (used without object) 1. to take place; come to pass; occur: Something interesting is always happening in New York. 2. to come to pass by chance; occur without apparent .
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if anything should happen and if anything happens. Euph. If a disaster or . happened on happened on happening happening happening happening happening happening by chance
�bersetzung f�r happening im Englisch-Deutsch-W�rterbuch dict.cc. . to happen | happened | happened happening | happens
Zen Buddhism #2: What is the sound of shit happening? Hinduism: This shit has happened before. Islam: If shit happens, it is the will of Allah.
. art, however, can be found in the happenings happening, an . happened on happening happening happening happening . happens happens happens happens on happens on happenstance
something that happens; occurrence; event. 2. an . to pass; occur: Something interesting is always happening in . or design: Don't ask me what caused it
Shit Happens. und das in allen Variationen: Taoismus: Schei�e passiert. . Hedonismus: Nichts kommt einem guten Schei�e-Happening gleich. Mormonentum: Gott hat uns .
happening happening n. 1. something that happens; an occurrence;
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